University Creamery Managers Conference

UW-Madison’s Babcock Dairy will host the 20th annual University Creamery Managers Conference from June 24 through June 27. To register, please visit

Why We Meet

University Dairy Plants across the country are all different and have varying resources, needs and customer bases. However, their mission statements all include an emphasis on production, education and research. As part of a university, each of these dairy plants face unique challenges and are constantly discovering new ways to succeed. In order to share experiences and compare notes on how to do better, university dairy plant managers gather each year at the University Creamery Managers Conference.

In 2003, the University of Wisconsin hosted the first conference and around 15 managers from over 12 schools have convened annually since. During these conferences, dairy plant managers tour the hosting university’s campus, plant and store. For a few days, speakers share stories and mission statements as well as successful ways to overcome any struggles. There are many benefits to this conference but the one on one relationships among managers is by far the most valuable. These connections create a network across the country that will last for decades to come.

This year, attendees will hear from business development professionals and industry leaders, tour local production plants, network with fellow creamery managers and explore Madison, Wisconsin.

Events will include a tour of the newly-renovated Babcock Dairy Plant, a vendor reception with suppliers and a cruise on Lake Mendota. Attendees and sponsors must register by May 1.

For the first time in the conference’s history, vendors will have the opportunity to sponsor a vendor reception. This reception will foster industry connections and introduce creamery managers to new potential suppliers.

Who Attends